Transforming an Abandoned Land into a Vegetable Food Forest – Part 1

By | April 30, 2023

In this blog post, we delve into the world of transforming abandoned land into a bountiful vegetable food forest. Creating a thriving and sustainable food forest requires planning, hard work, and a deep understanding of the ecosystem. In Part 1 of this series, we explore the initial steps involved in the transformation process, from defining the goals to designing the layout of the food forest. So, join us on this journey as we discover the wonders and benefits of growing food in a thriving, self-sustaining ecosystem.

Transforming an Abandoned Land into a Vegetable Food Forest – Part 1


Have you ever wondered how people can turn an abandoned piece of land into a thriving food forest? It may seem impossible, but with the right knowledge and tools, anyone can do it. In this article, we will be exploring a YouTube video series that shows how an abandoned land was transformed into a vegetable food forest. We will also be discussing various resources that can assist you in creating your own food forest.

The YouTube Video Series

The YouTube video series we will be discussing follows a couple who have purchased a piece of abandoned land and are transforming it into a vegetable food forest. The series shows the step-by-step process of how they are doing it, from clearing the land to planting the first crops.

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Part 1 of the Series

Part 1 of the series begins with the introduction of the couple and the abandoned land they have purchased. The first step they take is to clear the land of all the overgrown shrubs and trees. They do this with the help of a rented excavator and after several days of hard work, they have a cleared piece of land that is ready for the next step.

Part 2 of the Series

In part 2 of the series, the couple starts building the garden beds. They use a method called “hügelkultur” which involves creating raised garden beds using logs and organic matter. This method reduces the amount of watering needed and provides nutrients to the plants as the logs break down over time.

Part 3 of the Series

Part 3 of the series focuses on planting the first crops in the garden beds. The couple plants a variety of vegetables, including tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and peppers. They also plant some fruit trees to provide additional food sources in the future.

Part 4 of the Series

In part 4 of the series, the couple discusses how they are dealing with pests in the garden. They explain how they are using natural methods to deter pests, such as planting companion plants and using organic insecticides.

Resources for Creating Your Own Food Forest

Creating your own food forest may seem like a daunting task, but with the right resources, it can be done. Here are some resources that can assist you in creating your own vegetable food forest:

  • Online Master Class: Farm to Table Garden Guide – This online master class offers step-by-step guidance on how to plan, plant, and maintain a vegetable garden.

  • Instagram Account – Check out the Instagram account for the YouTube channel to see more photos and updates about the food forest.

  • Patreon Support – The YouTube channel offers Patreon support for those who want to support the channel and gain access to exclusive content.

  • Second Channel – Check out the second channel, @ModernHouseCabin, for more building adventures and ideas.

  • Hashtags – Use hashtags related to the content, such as #TinyHouse, #OffGrid, #Gardening, #Wilderness, #Cabin, #LivingOffGrid, #OffTheGrid, #Homestead, #Homesteading, #CabinLife, and #DIY to find other like-minded individuals and ideas.

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Transforming an abandoned piece of land into a vegetable food forest may seem like a daunting task, but it can be done with the right knowledge and tools. Part 1 of the YouTube video series we discussed shows how a couple cleared the land to prepare for planting. Parts 2-4 show the creation of the garden beds, planting of the crops, and dealing with pests. Remember to check out the available resources, including the online master class, Instagram account, Patreon support, and second channel for more information and ideas.


Q: How long did it take the couple in the YouTube series to transform the abandoned land into a vegetable food forest?
A: The timeframe isn’t mentioned, but it appears to be several months.

Q: Can anyone create a vegetable food forest?
A: Yes, anyone can create a vegetable food forest with the proper knowledge and tools.

Q: How much space is needed to create a vegetable food forest?
A: It depends on the size of the desired food forest. Even a small plot of land can be transformed into a food forest.

Q: Are there any dangers to creating a vegetable food forest?
A: As with any gardening project, there may be dangers associated with using tools and equipment. Additionally, it is important to research any potential hazards associated with plants and animals in the area.

Q: Are there other crops besides vegetables that can be grown in a food forest?
A: Yes, fruit trees, berries, and edible flowers can also be grown in a food forest.